safedrop v4 is here!

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We’ve been at the forefront of secure file sharing for some time now, pioneering some great features such as eSignatures, eForms, our Outlook plugin and more!

Get on the waitlist now!

Turning customer feedback into action

As we constantly listen to our clients feedback and the market at large, it’s plain to see that there is a massive demand for support for huge file sharing (we’re talking plenty of GB!) and so we’re doing our best to make this a reality. We’re making some big changes to how safedrop works, and we plan to allow users to share massive files with ease. We can’t give too much away at the moment, but let’s just say it will make a massive difference when the new safedrop updates become available!

Utilising our tools for large filesharing

You can integrate safedrop with OneDrive to help sync your data across, making it easy to seamlessly integrate safedrop with your existing Microsoft Office suite or other tech stack.

Our Outlook plugin allows you to avoid the measly 10MB file size cap in the email client, meaning you can continue your usual workflow uninterrupted thanks to safedrop.

New look design

In addition to overhauling file size limits, we’re giving the safedrop interface a new lick of paint, making it even easier on the eyes and even easier to see the information you need when sending your confidential files.