What is shadow IT? safedrop explains!

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safedrop is the perfect shadow IT provider, as we help you stay compliant and secure, without interfering the with the day-to-day workflow of your staff. Our solution doesn’t require any installs or plugins – it just works. A simple interface means your team won’t waste tonnes of time asking questions on how to use safedrop. Instead, they can get their best work done, without you having to worry about data breaches or broken tech.

Many consumer-grade solutions such as iCloud, WeTransfer and more aren’t designed for business use. You’re trusting a consumer-based product with sensitive, client data. By choosing a system designed for your needs, you can expect a reliable and secured system that doesn’t leave you at the mercy of big tech giants who don’t have your business’ interest in mind.

We’re transparent with our pricing, meaning you won’t be steamrolled by an unexpected price increase, or confusing contract terms set by a company that has no interest in your goals.

Many users complain that tech issues are disruptive and often time-consuming to fix, requiring a specialist to resolve the issues. Many users prefer an easy-to-use solution that does the heavy lifting for them.

We’re the perfect shadow IT solution: simple, effective, and non-disruptive.