Email Security Best Practices

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Email security is vitally important in keeping you and your business secure. Here are some top tips on how to keep yourself safe when sending emails, especially if they contain confidential information and attachments.

0. Use safedrop
If you need to send secure messages and files, use a secure file sharing solution such as safedrop. You can use it directly within your desktop email program with our plugin, and we have a variety of security features built in, such as encryption, expiry times, self destructing links and more.

1. Train Employees on Security Awareness
Conduct regular training sessions to help employees recognise phishing attempts and understand secure email practices. Emphasise the importance of vigilance to mitigate risks associated with human error. This ongoing education ensures everyone is up-to-date with the latest threats and security protocols.

2. Enforce Strong Password Policies
Implement and enforce robust password policies that mandate the use of complex, unique passwords for all email accounts. Regularly updating and changing passwords is crucial to enhance security and prevent unauthorised access.

3. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Adding an extra layer of security, such as MFA or two-factor authentication (2FA), significantly reduces the chances of unauthorised access. MFA requires additional verification, which makes it much harder for cybercriminals to breach your email accounts.

4. Conduct Phishing Awareness Campaigns
Educate employees about phishing threats through simulated phishing campaigns. This hands-on approach helps them identify and report suspicious emails effectively. Regular exercises ensure that employees remain alert and knowledgeable about current phishing tactics.

5. Secure Email Attachments
Ensure all email attachments are scanned for malware and encrypted if they contain sensitive information. This practice prevents malicious software from compromising your systems and protects your data from unauthorised access.

6. Utilise Encryption
Encrypt emails that contain confidential information to protect data in transit. Encryption ensures that even if an email is intercepted, the content remains inaccessible to unauthorised users, safeguarding your sensitive information.

7. Maintain Up-to-Date Software
Regularly update email clients and security software to protect against the latest threats. Keeping software current closes vulnerabilities that cybercriminals could exploit, maintaining a strong defense against attacks.

8. Monitor Email Activity
Implement tools to monitor and analyse email traffic for unusual activity. Early detection of anomalies can prevent security breaches. Constant monitoring allows for quick response to potential threats, ensuring your email system remains secure.

9. Use Secure Email Gateways
Deploy secure email gateways to filter out spam, phishing emails, and malware. These gateways act as a barrier, ensuring only legitimate emails reach your inbox and reducing the risk of malicious content entering your email system.

10. Implement Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Use DLP solutions to prevent sensitive information from being sent outside the organisation unintentionally. DLP tools help ensure compliance with data protection regulations and protect against data breaches by monitoring and controlling outbound email traffic.